Build tools and integrations with rich Amazon Vendor data
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Vendor Data API

Give your integrations access to data that you can't get from Amazon's EDI like reviews, BuyBox status, chargebacks, payments, and more. Fully documented, expertly supported, and standards-based for easy integration. Built on top of the same Vendor Analytics engine that powers our toolsets.

Vendor Data API Features

Image of numbers on a screen

Use your Vendor data to power new tools

Our API gives you access to data you can't get through any other API or EDI. The data is fresh and written asynchronously, with changes being committed to Amazon within 5 minutes. Integrate Amazon data into your accounting software, order fulfillment, or ERP systems.

Shot of the attributes section in our documentation

More data than anywhere else

  • Purchase orders
  • Purchase order line items
  • Chargebacks
  • Invoices
  • Invoice line items
  • Product details
  • Product costs
  • Direct fulfillment purchase confirmation
  • Returns
  • Payments
Shot of our documentation

Fully-documented, REST/JSON API

Our API is a RESTful, JSON-based API that is independent of Amazon EDI.

All Vendor Data API Analytics features

RESTful API for accessing data and processing transactions in VendorCentral
Independent of Amazon EDI - no custom formats or setup necessary
Robust access to all Vendor data as well as proprietary data and metrics for your account
Multi-vendor capabilities for account managers and agencies
All data is no more than 18 hours old
Current-day purchase order (including direct fulfillment) data is no more than 15 minutes old
All computed statistics are realtime
All data is written asynchronously
Pending data changes are reflected in the data entity when read
All data changes are committed to Amazon within 5 minutes
Full API documentation

Ready to see your results?

Get started today - start taking control of your Vendor relationship with Amazon today.